Friday, October 31, 2008

8 Keepin in Check

Being in control of your temper can be a really hard thing to do. You might be able to keep it for a while, but if you keep holding it all in, you will eventually explode on people, even people who possibly had nothing to do with your issue. This is never good for a friendship. We feel as if we should be able to stay in control of our emotions at all times, but that is rarely the case. Normally, emotions will get the best of a person.

I was watching a game earlier today. It was a pretty good game too. One of the players started trash talking and started getting excited. The opposing player stayed calm and collected. On the next play, the excited player got a foul called on him. He almost went crazy. He kept trash talking the calm player and then started to trash talk the referee. The referee was not going to take this. He gave the player a technical foul.

I said all of that to say that if you do not keep your temper in check, it can get you in some serious trouble that is very easily avoidable. So for the next week at least, I challenge you to think about what you are going to say before you say it. It could cause some very bad damage to friends and it could cause trouble that you do not want also.


Katybeth said...

Tempers are very hard to control sometimes. That's a good challenge to focus on.

Elizabeth-Lee said...

Harboring anger is definitely something we all need to keep in check. If we don't it can lead to things we never intended.

Chance Byas said...

I know. I may seem to be very happy one minute, but then I might rage about nothing the next. I hate it. You see what it does to people. Well, my advice. do what you said and try to channel it to something that is not destructive.

cedricbrown101k said...

imma take that challenge cause i think me and the excited player play on the same team. lol.