Thursday, November 6, 2008

9 Actions Do Have Consequences

For every choice that you make there will be a reaction that comes along with that. This happens a lot of the time without you even realizing that it is happening. the reactions or better known as consequences, can be small and seem not to affect or life or they could be huge and completely change the course of your life. It is up to you as to what kind of consequences that you want to come into your life.

One of my really good friends is getting married this weekend. Just a few weeks ago she found out that she was pregnant. This is not the way that she wanted her life to go. She made the choice though so now she has to live with the outcome of that choice. This has completely changed her life around. It may have not been the path that God had intended for her, but He can turn anything around and make it useful for the glory of His kingdom.

Remember this, no matter how bad that you mess up, God will always be there to catch you, and He will always forgive you. So pay attention to the choices that you make, and try to stay on the path that God has intended for your life. If your not sure what that path is, then pray to Him and talk to Him about that. Once you have found out what it is though, pursue that with all of your life and heart and do your best to never defer from it. The path that He has planned out just for you, will always be the best way for you to choose to go.


Julia Porter said...

I've had many friends and myself, for that matter, make decisions and have to deal with the consequences the only thing we can do is have faith and continue to trust in GOd.

Tony Craig said...

Great Blog! I totally agree that no matter what, God is there for us. Very comforting. Thanks for your comments. Keep up the good work!

Camie said...

I agree with everything you said. God always will be there for us no matter how badly we screw up. Which is a really good thing to know because mankind is good at screwing things up.

Peng said...

This thing warn us that we need to think carefully about before we want to do something.

Latuesday Guy said...

The great thing about God is that he is a merciful God. He forgives us no matter what we do.

Mason said...

Well everyone else has pretty much said it. I agree with you also.

Elizabeth-Lee said...

I definitely agree that no matter what God will forgive whatever you do and that is so comforting.

Blue~Eyed~Wolf said...

Very true statement of life. We still have free choice which He will not take away but he was gracious enough to be willing to walk with us day to day and try to keep our feet pointed straight.