Saturday, October 18, 2008

6 Lost and Found

This week has been a rough week for me. I knew that it was coming, and was dreading it and kept trying to ignore finally came anyway though. My best friend left for Iraq yesterday afternoon. Before he left, he called me and we talked for a few minutes. That was one of the hardest conversations that i have every had. I guess one thing that made it even harder was knowing that I might never talk to him again. He has always been there for me whenever I needed to talk to anyone. He was always the first person that I would go to. That was really hard to grasp last night because he was not there last night when I needed a shoulder. He had already turned his phone in and I knew that.

I felt as if I had no where to turn to. My roommate was asleep so I did not want to wake her up, I really did not want to talk to anybody back home about it just because I did not want to have to explain what was wrong with me over the phone (it would have frustrated me even more), and I did not want to talk to anybody here about it because I knew that they would not know the story and would not understand. I called his grandmother. You may think that this is weird, but Grandmama is one cool lady. She realized what was wrong with me and started to calm me down. After she finished that, she told me what she had just finished doing right before I had called. She told me that she had just finished reading Psalm 91. I knew that a lot of his friends and family were starting to read this chapter for him every day that he was going to be gone, but it had never occured to me that I needed to read it until Grandmama pointed this out to me. It was exactly what I needed.

She pointed to the one Person that I needed to go to in the first place. The one Person that I was avoiding going to...God. After we hung up, I went and read Psalm 91. It helped me so much. It made me realize that God was in control and would take care of everything in His own time and will. So by losing a friend temporarily, I have gained a Friend that will never leave me and will always be there for me.


Jared Willis said...

gotta love those grandmas! I know mine is always there for me when i need her. Keep praying,ask God for peace.

Latuesday Guy said...

I glad you got through it. We all are searching for something at one point in our lives and it may take awhile, but we find it in God.

Tracie said...

WOW!!! What an awesome blog. Iam so glad you were able to realize that God is the one to turn to. I'm sorry to hear about your friend but God will be watching over him.

Katelyn said...

Glad everything worked out for you.