Friday, October 24, 2008

7 Honestly?

How many times has someone told you a "little white lie" and you realized it? How many times have you caught yourself telling one? Even better, how many times have you told one and not realized that you told one till after the fact? That is a harsh realization that I have just come to recently. You may think that they are harmless, but sometimes they really can hurt people. You should know this if you have caught someone telling one to you. It makes you want to question their friendship. It makes you wonder what else that they have told you that is a lie. You begin to quit trusting in them and start questioning everything that they tell you.

I am sending this as a warning and to remind you to keep a check on yourself about telling "little white lies". This past week i had the viewpoint of a fly on the wall in a white lie situation. It made me think about myself. Right off hand I would have said that "no, I don't lie", but as I thought about it, I realize that I do tell little white lies, or that I don't tell the complete truth. This felt like a stab in the gut. I do not like knowing that I have not been a completely honest person. Eventually it will come back around and possible stab me in the back and then I will be in a worse situation than I started out in.

Just remember that the next time that you start to tell a lie to someone, try to think ahead and see the outcome of what you are about to say. It may look fine and dandy to you, but look at it from the other persons point of view. Put yourself in their position, and try to feel the emotions that they would feel if they knew that you were lying to them.


Jared Willis said...

yeah, i agree, the littlest things can hurt people the most

Tony Craig said...

good reflections. i agree that even the smallest things we do or say can hurt people the most. I appreciate your comments, and great job on your blog!

Latuesday Guy said...

I totally agree, we often let dishonesty get in the way of friendships without knowing that we are doing so. Very good point.

Elizabeth-Lee said...

I have a friend who lets "little white lies" run her life. She used to be my best friend, but when she would have me start telling lies to cover for her I realized that if she's having me lie for her, how much is she lying to me?

Julia Porter said...

Some of the smallest things mean the most. A small lie can become a big lie in the long run.