Friday, October 3, 2008

4 A Purpose for Life

One of my best friends is a Marine and he came home this past weekend for the last time before he ships out. One of our discussions was about life. He told me that he is ready and prepared to die. He is no longer afraid to die. He is not suicidal or anything, but he has accomplished everything on earth that he has wanted to and is prepared to die.
His point of view really shocked me. I had never seen life in that perspective before. It made me reflect on my own life and I realized that if i had to die right now, I would not be ready to go. I am a Christian and say so proudly, but I do not feel like I have accomplished everything that God has wanted me to accomplish. Even simple things, such as being upset with someone and never being able to tell them my last thoughts or that I had forgiven them and love them. I would not be able to go without having any regrets and that is not a good feeling. I know you have probably heard this before, but you are NOT guaranteed the next breath. I was taking simple things such as that for granted. If you really think about that, it can be a scary thought.
I want to challenge you to start learning to not take simple facts of life for granted. Your whole outlook on life will change. Be prepared for your time to go. Don't go around being paranoid, but be aware that it is possible. Live life to the fullest, love God, find your purpose, and fulfill it.

1 comment:

Julia Porter said...

I have so much respect for the men fighting for us. I will keep your friend in my prayers.