Thursday, October 9, 2008

5 Bootcamp For Me (PT)

Since coming here, my physical training has gone down tremendously. At home I had people that i would run with or work out with. Here, I have been trying to do those things on my own and lost my motivation. I have to have someone to compete with, not to prove that I am better than they are ( which would be nice), but to push me on, motivating me, making myself think that I can and am able to do more than my body is wanting to do.
Last night I was talking to my friend that is in the Marines and was telling him my predicament. He has decided to put me in "boot camp". He has given me goals to reach and a time limit to reach them in. They are not unreasonable goals, but they are challenging. He also has given me dates to have a "progress report" turned in help keep me accountable. If I did not want to be physically fit, there would be no way that I would even attempt to do this.
I know that by deciding to do this, I will defiantly get back into the shape that I want and used to be in. The main point for writing all of this though, was to say, don't lose your motivation for whatever you are trying to do. If you do lose it, figure out some way to get it back. It is a hard and gruesome process to go through life without motivation. When you do get motivation, use that to help you to accomplish your dreams in life.


Tony Craig said...

I'm glad you found motivation to strive towards excellence. Great reflection and good luck on your pursuit of your goals.

Trystyn Buckley said...

I agree with you...sometimes all you have is motivation to push you throug

Elizabeth-Lee said...

I know exactly what you're saying! I didn't want to lose my motivation when I came to college so I enrolled in Beginners Running (at 6:50 am) :( and that totally keeps me motivated. Between running around the track with the cross country team or around the entire football team practicing on the's definitely motivation to go farther and harder.