Thursday, September 25, 2008

3 All in the Family

Wow! I am going home to Alabama this weekend. It is a bitter-sweet emotion for me right now. I am loving it here and enjoying being out on my own. At the same time, I do miss my family and friends back home and I do want to see them.
I am glad to be building new friendships and getting to hang out with new people. These new people make me feel like I am at home and they make me feel like I am now part of their family as well. I love the feeling of belonging, even though I am not at home. The people here are doing a very good job of making that feeling possible. I thank you so much for that.
Back home, everyone is missing me terribly but they are starting to make it fine without me. It is a weird feeling knowing that they do not need me, but it is comforting to know that at the same time. It is also nice that everyone back home will still be there for me if i every need them as well as the people here are there for me now to be there when I need someone. They are like my new family and I feel like they love me very much.
I really think that it is neat how God loves me so much that He has provided this new family for me. I know that they are now in my life because God has a purpose for them in my life, and I am very excited to see the impact that they will have on my life.


Tony Craig said...

I'm from "sweet home" alabama as well! lol. I understand your feelings for those you left behind, but am glad that you get to have the chance to see them again this weekend. Have fun and keep up the great blogging!

Sarah Cole said...

I'm starting to feel @ home here too...keep up the great blogs!!!

Peng said...

Thank you for your encouragement. I was in Alabama this summer time as well, and I love there!