Friday, November 14, 2008

10 Giving It All

Have you ever felt like you are sick and tired of dealing with something? i sure have felt like that many times. It is not a good feeling at all. I really began to feel that way this week. It just seemed like everything hit me all at one time.

My whole out look changed in the course of one week. At the beginning of the week, everything in my life was fine and dandy. I had everything under control. By Tuesday and Wednesday, I felt as if everything was starting to go in a downward flaming spiral. The major thing that started this spiral was being questioned on what I knew for a fact of my future. This also made me question if it was truly fact or not. It made me want to fix it and make sure that it was fact, but in reality, there was nothing that I could do about it. Wednesday night I went to church. During the worship portion of the service, I realized that I needed to hand all of my issues over to God. Since that moment, I have felt a peace for the rest of the week. Nothing has really changed except that I handed all of my problems over to God. The situation is still the same and uncertain and most likely will be for a long time, but that is okay because I do know that God will handle it all in His own way. That will be the best way and the best thing for me.

This is at least the third time that I have went back and picked up this same issue and tried to fix it myself. No matter what I did to try to fix it, all I could do was make it all the worse. Now that I have given it over to God, the only thing i can do and am happy to do, is pray about the situation. I know that what I am about to challenge you to do is easier said than done, but I still am going to give it to you anyway. I want to challenge you to give up all of your issues. Turn them over to God and leave them with Him. Do not go back and pick them back up and try and fix them again. Leave it to Him, He knows what He is doing and He knows the future. God knows how everything will turn out in the end.


Blue~Eyed~Wolf said...

You already know my main thoughts... Having red Eden... just remember little one. There is one so much stronger, loving and gracious than us there to hold us up and help us through all of the stuff that hits us day to day. I'll keep praying and call me whenever you need to.

Elizabeth-Lee said...

I know exactly how you feel cause I have the same problem. I try to fix things myself, but when I hand it God it may not be fixed, but somehow it just all seems better.

Latuesday Guy said...

You did the right thing. God bless you!

Mason said...

I have also thought a lot about my major and everything going on but instead of looking at the future, I try to look at one day at a time.

Peng said...

You are in a problem, but I think this is a small issue of thought, you can solve it through you pray it.